Border Cave, 90,000 ya? Southern Africa (early "modern"?)     Broken Hill, approx. 200,000 ya, South Africa (early "modern'?)

                         Jinnushan, "archaic" from China, note flat face        Kow Swamp 1 (Australia), early "modern" despite esoteric regional features?

Skhul 5 (early "modern") from Mount Carmel, Isreal, 90,000 ya          Tabun 1, Neandertal, from cave only meters away at Mt. Carmel.

Quafzeh 9, the most modern looking (specimen (this specimen appears in most books) from this Mt. Carmel Cave on left and Quafzeh 6, same cave and population, less well known but much less "modern" looking.


                                 La Ferrasie 1, France, Neandertal, approx. 60,000 ya.          Predmosti 3, among the earliest known "modern" crania in Europe approx 30,000 years ago or less, no "modern" fossil skulls known in Europe prior to this time.  Although Upper Paleolithic tools only later associated with them date to about 40,000 ya. The assumption is that the tools must mean "moderns were there".

Saint Cesaire,"the last neandertal", approx. 36,000 ya. Note the high forehead.  Associated with Chatelperronian tools

Saint Cesaire,"the last neandertal", approx. 36,000 ya. Note the high forehead.  Associated with Chatelperronian tools


B movie view of interaction.

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